ARA ARA | Gen 3 & B+ Compatibility

Version: 1.0

Contributor Information:

Join the Elysium Discord for server exclusives, guides, mod help, updates, & an ever-growing, 4,500+ person community of non-aggro mod users :)

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Author's Comments:

A January Patreon release gone public--

A mesh & leather minidress with thigh high latex boots & a catto headband. Three pieces. Dress is split into two halves; a top and skirt. Boots have a Gen 3 and Bibo+ variant.

This set is dyeable in-game. Dress buttons are gold by default and dyeable via CS#1. Headband band is black by default and dyeable via CS#16, inner ear section is dyeable in game. Outfit is useable by all non-lalafell female characters. Headband is useable by all tall females.

Fit around my Après Moi MED Leg&Chest edit of TF3. Had Bibo+ patch compatibility with all of the busywork done for you, and can thus be used with Bibo+ without installing Gen 3. See a short reference sheet on compatibility patch options, at this link:

The installer contains a built-in item converter, but by default, these are the items replaced:

Top: Casual Jacket
Bottoms: Casual Halfslops
Boots: Casual Boots
Earring: Goobbue Earring

All of the clothing and accessories pictured are my own and can be found on either my XMA, or Patreon profiles.

Contains a conditionally licensed asset.

:zubHYPERMAD: Permissions/ToS :zubHYPERMAD:

There basically aren't any.

Feel free to upscale/downscale/port/modify to fit any body, to your heart's content, as I'm not here to police what other people do. Otopop conversions are allowed, but are only for SFW content. Feel free to modify my NSFW work to make it SFW. Unlike most releases, please do not release edits of this mod. See more extensive ToS (and FAQ) on my website, at (it's really just a whole lot of nothing). If you have any doubts, questions, or concerns, feel free to reach out via Discord at Caroline#0666, or submit a contact form via my websites contact page.

TLDR: Do whatever you want. I probably won't care.

Primary File or Link:

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👀 63.4K
💾 17.2K
📌 331

Last Version Update :
Sat Feb 19 2022 13:50:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sat Feb 19 2022 13:32:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Affects / Replaces :
Casual Jacket, Casual Halfslops, Casual Boots, Goobbue Earring

Genders :

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